When someone reports a bug, it is helpful to report what version of the software they saw the bug in. This might be a shipping version (e.g "2.0 with service pack 2") or it may be a development version ("the build that Harry gave me on 9/5/06").
Every case in FogBugz has a field called Version, which can be used to track this.
There are probably a lot more versions than releases; many programming shops have builds every day and it is helpful in reporting a bug to indicate exactly which build it was found in. That's why the Versions field is just free-form text.
When you enter a new case the default version will be the same as the last case you entered; this way if you are testing a particular version of code and you find lots of bugs you don't have to keep re-entering the version.
- Note: The "versions" field is hidden by default, to simplify bug entry. To un-hide it, log on as an administrator and go to the Site Screen and modify the "Extra Fields".