CVS Integration Demo

Let’s say I’m working on a bug … bug number 3712:

Example bug

I've fixed the bug, and now I'm ready to check in the fixes.

Checkin command

As usual CVS prompts me for a log comment:


I'll add the comment, but I'll also add the bug number that I was fixing, by creating a line of the form BugzID: 3712 (not case-sensitive), as shown here:


When I save and exit, CVS commits my changes, and notifies FogBugz:


We've got CVS set up to send notification emails to the whole development team with a list of checkins. Here's the message:


Notice there's a URL in there linking to the bug itself. And if we go back and look at the bug, we'll see a Checkins line:


This line contains two links. The first link, with the file name where the change occurred, links to the CVS log:


Notice that the bug ID number is stored in the CVS log.

The second link shows the revision number of this file (1.4), and links to the exact diff that I just checked in:


Besides making it easy to keep check-ins matched up with bug reports, I can now assign the fix to another developer and ask them to check my fix. They will be able to click one link to see the exact change I made which makes it easy for them to review it.